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Christmas Photo
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Christmas Gift Ideas


Diamonds are a woman's best friend. Give your mom a gift that lets her know how special she is to you. These are gifts that will not tarnish but will remain with her forever. Earrings would be the first clue and most women not only sport them with ease and comfort but also flaunt them off with pride. You could also gift her customized pendant. A range of them are found in the market these days. A little effort from your side and on Christmas day you'll find that the only thing that glows more than even the diamond will be the smile on your mother's face.

More On : Christmas Gift Ideas For Mothers


Christmas in United States of America

Santa Claus was born in US in the 1860's he was named this as he had a white beard and a belly, so he was named Santa Claus as this was the Dutch word for St Nicholas, Sintaklaas. Although the Dutch had bought him with them in the 17th century, he did not become an important person at Christmas until the Novelist Washington Irving put him in a novel that he wrote in 1809. This first Santa Claus was still known as St. Nicholas, he did smoke a pipe, and fly around in a wagon without any reindeer, but he did not have his red suit or live at the North Pole, he did however bring presents to children every year.

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